Pax Romana II is now available!

28 Jun

Kindle cover Escape

Pax Romana: Escape from Babylon continues the story of Captain Mark Knutson, who lives in a Rome now in ruins. Seren has risen to power, and his evil influence is spreading. The sequel to Pax Romana: The Rise of Seren features fascinating new characters who prepare Mark for his eventual confrontation with Seren: his mysterious Chinese mentor Mei-Li, the beautiful Swedish kick boxer Rakel, and Japanese tech-whiz Tomoyuki. As a warrior, Mark transitions from using technological weapons to wielding supernatural ones in a dazzling display of the powers of good against the growing darkness. Mark engages in clashes with hideous creatures, culminating in the ultimate battle with the ultimate evil.






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Posted by on June 28, 2016 in Uncategorized


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